Title: Retribution Artist: Mystique Muzik Genre: Cinematic Production Music Preview Track On: Songtradr Tempo: 130 BPM Key: C Description and Suited To Made for music licensing and coming in at just under two minutes in length, Retribution is a high energy and intense track that builds layer upon layer until the dramatic conclusion….
“After the Rain” – Mystique Muzik
Title: After the Rain Artist: Mystique Muzik Genre: Cinematic Production Music Preview Track On: Songtradr Tempo: 120 BPM Key: C Description and Suited To After the rain is more of a soothing, mellow and ambient track. It combines a seductive blend of strings, synths and piano as well as ambient sounds for accents…
“Doomsday” – Mystique Muzik
Title: Doomsday Artist: Mystique Muzik Genre: Cinematic Production Music Preview Track On: Songtradr Tempo: 120 BPM Key: C Description and Suited To Doomsday is exactly as the title sounds; an ominous cinematic production track perfect for music sync licensing. The ideal soundtrack for a horror movie, a dystopian (think zombies) type of thriller…
“Thy Will Be Done” – Mystique Muzik
Title: Thy Will Be Done Artist: Mystique Muzik Genre: Cinematic Production Music Preview Track On: Songtradr Tempo: 120 BPM Key: C Description and Suited To Thy Will Be Done is a short cinematic production track of around 2 minutes available for music sync licensing. It has a driving and almost march-like rhythm which…
“Brave New World” – Mystique Muzik
Title: Brave New World Artist: Mystique Muzik Genre: Cinematic Production Music Preview Track On: Songtradr Tempo: 75 BPM Key: D Description and Suited To Brave New World is a cinematic track that inspires new hope. It has an epic sound which would suit a scene right towards the end of a movie,…
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